And he watched her walk away in utter astonishment. He’d never seen someone walk away from him with such ease before.
She walked with her head up high, little did he know, refusing to look back. It looked so easy for her, as if he had never mattered at all.
He sat with his back slouched to the bench, thinking. Thinking of what he had just done, of who she was, and of who she would be. Thinking that he’d probably never know.
The more he thought, the further away she seemed to be. She walked step by step until she was only a distant memory in his mind. And he was right. She was.
She wouldn’t look back, ever. Not even for a second.
The moment she chose to do that, she knew she had the power to choose anything.
And with knowing that, she chose to keep walking.
Far away from the restrictions life held for her, far away from the things that tied her down to one place at a time.
She chose to do the things he always told her she couldn’t.
With the knowledge of knowing she could, she did.
She dyed her hair the way she had wanted to. She went to that bar across the street, the one HE hated. She ate pizza for breakfast. She wrote what she thought was important. And the thing she loved the most was, she didn’t care.
She was happy.
And she made a choice to keep walking away whenever she wasn’t.